Refund Policy

This Refund Policy constitutes mandatory part of our License with you, thus, you are advised to read the same thoroughly prior to downloading or installing the ONEMONITAR software. The act of mere downloading or installing the software shall without any further act or deed mean that you/user have/has consented and agreed to adhere to the terms of this Refund Policy and the same shall be binding on you. This policy is a legal and binding document being part of License between you and ONEMONITAR for all your activities on ONEMONITAR website including downloading, installing or using the software. By the very act of downloading, installing, or using or making use of the software, in any manner whatsoever, you admit yourself to the terms of this Refund Policy.

If you have already subscribed and installed the software on an incompatible brand/model of the phone, you may opt for free phone change and install on a compatible phone as many as times you want. In the period while you may switch phone, you license expiry shall not be affected will be continued from the date of final installation. Refunds will not be provided.


Claim of Refund shall be subject to the satisfaction of ONEMONITAR regarding any functionality not working properly in the manner demonstrated on ONEMONITAR takes no responsibility to provide any functionality which is absent or not shown on its website and any claim for refund for the same shall not be entertained.

You shall fully satisfy yourself before downloading or installing our software in respect to the compatibility of phone on which the software is installed, as ONEMONITAR neither recommends nor does it takes any responsibility for the same. Since, the software is phone specific (i.e. one software one phone), no claim for refund shall be entertained in this regard.

Claim of Refund shall be subject to the satisfaction of ONEMONITAR regarding technical fault in any functionality of its software. Claims regarding unseemly voice recordings will not be entertained as the same is because of problem(s) faced by system and mobile network(s).

Subject to the above said, in case you have technical issues with the Software, relating to non performance of any functionality, the technical team of ONEMONITAR shall endeavor to make good the same. In case of failure to overcome the said non-performance, you may be eligible for a full refund in accordance with Refund Policy mentioned below. We have experienced, claims for refund being happily withdrawn after receiving our technical help.

Conditions for Refund

No refund can be issued to a user/licensee of software in case the reasons for a refund are completely beyond ONEMONITAR control. They include, but are not limited to:

  1. The claim for refund may apply only to the primary (or First) ONEMONITAR subscription.
  2. Your refund may be issued only once. If you buy another ONEMONITAR subscription or renew your current license, it will not be subject to refund request.
  3. As it is clearly mentioned on the compatibility page, we only support Android device. Hence, No refund will be provided in case you are not able to install ONEMONITAR app on any other operating system apart from Android.
  4. Request made by any person(s), other than the user. (User here means a person who has paid license fees and installed the software).
  5. Since, all the software/bouquet of ONEMONITAR is different from the other, ONEMONITAR shall not entertain any request for change of software/bouquet.
  6. No refund will be entertained in case of carelessness on the part of the user in maintaining his password, which may lead to inconvenience.
  7. If the case relates to point 6 above, on the written request by the user ONEMONITAR shall endeavor to provide alternate password after thorough verification. Apart from providing alternate password, ONEMONITAR shall not be liable for refund or any other claim, whatsoever.
  8. In case if the phone has lost connection with ONEMONITAR software due to accidental deletion, reset of phone, internet failure etc., ONEMONITAR on written request from the user (subject to other applicable provisions) shall endeavor to reinstall the same software licensed by it for the remaining period. Apart from reinstalling the software licensed for the remaining period, ONEMONITAR shall not entertain any refund including the period lost towards re-installation.
  9. Any add-on services, such as remote installation assistance, are not subject to refunds. These services are considered final sales and are non-refundable once the service has been provided or scheduled.
  10. No request for refund shall be entertained for reasons which are not directly attributable to ONEMONITAR including but not limited to loss of phone, loss of internet connection, problem related to mobile services, temporary or permanent disconnection of mobile services, change of phone set, change of operating system of the concerned phone, resetting of factory setting, failure to accept assistance provided by ONEMONITAR, failure to follow installation guidelines, direction/order(s) of any court/authority confiscating the phone, misuse of phone, etc.
  11. ONEMONITAR is compatible with the major phone brands listed on the compatibility page. Since phone manufacturers launch smartphones frequently, its non-viable for us to test every other device. Hence it’s the responsibility of the buyer to verify the application compatibility with their child's device before making the purchase. No refund shall be entertained to users who purchase the application for a smartphone from any other company like Oppo and Realme. However, by chance if you purchase ONEMONITAR for an incompatible smartphone, we can only pause your subscription till the time you get a compatible device.
  12. No refund will be issued in case of personal reasons like (I’ve changed my mind, I’ve made a purchase by mistake, Software was not used, etc.)
  13. In case, the child's device is not accessible to you in that case refund will not be provided.
  14. The Refund Request will only be entertained if your case doesn't fall into the above points, and you requested the same within 7 days of purchase.
  15. Call Recording: Please read below carefully for call recording issues.
  16. The use of the phone for illegal purpose(s) or in contravention to the terms and conditions of any of the agreements related to license of software.

Call Recording (Phone or VoIP)

Call recording is 1 out of 60+ features offered by ONEMONITAR and this feature is not subjected to refund. With our decade of experience, we find that there are millions of android phones of different brands in the world out of which almost more than 90% phones are compatible with ONEMONITAR.

If you have purchased ALL-IN-ONE package and you are not getting any call recording properly then Please go ahead with the below options to get it done.

1. You can initiate a live chat from our website and ask any representative to do the necessary changes in the call recording settings.

2. If you find that the call recording is still not reflecting on the dashboard then you have to enable the In-built call recorder into the childphone so that the same files will be reflected on the dashboard.

3. In case you don't have an Inbuilt call recorder in the childphone, You may go ahead and find a reliable call recorder app from Google Play.

After opting in above three options, if still the call recording is not working then it’s not the Application failure however, it’s the Android (childphone) limitation which is clearly mentioned on the Google Support page that APIs which enable call recording are being slowly deprecated and removed since several Android versions, to ensure user privacy and security, and also because call recording laws are so varied across regions that it becomes difficult to map all of it out. For more information please visit the Google android support page.

Iphone monitoring

No refund can be issued to a user in case the reasons for a refund are completely beyond ONEMONITAR control. They include, but are not limited to:

  1. A target phone is not owned by a user or target phone is not used by your child or ward;
  2. iCloud backup cannot be activated to a target device by a user, even though it is technically possible;
  3. A target device does not have daily WI-FI connection;
  4. Change of carrier leading to loss of Internet connectivity and consequently improper functioning of Onemonitar Software;
  5. A user does not follow the installation guidelines of our customer support team via email or telephone call;
  6. A user intended to use ONEMONITAR on more than one target device after purchasing one subscription plan, unless the user has bought a subscription that allows to use ONEMONITAR simultaneously on several target devices;
  7. Personal reasons (I’ve changed my mind, I’ve made a purchase by mistake, Software was not used, etc.);
  8. A target device does not have enough space in Laptop/PC for saving backups and a user is not able to increase it;
  9. 2-factor/2-step verification is enabled on a target device and a user is either unable or does not want to disable it.
  10. No refund will be entertained if you will not get those data which are not stored in icloud backup.

Refund Procedure

You are required to send us an email on only if you are eligible for the same. After receiving your request, we will investigate and the decision shall be made up to 15 business days. In case of the refund so granted, you shall be liable for 20% deduction from the refunded amount, which shall be utilized towards payment of fees charged by banks/payment processing companies and other administrative costs.

Note: We do not accept refund requests made via Live Chat.


This application is strictly meant for kids and employee monitoring purpose only. If you wish to monitor a phone, you must have consent to do so or the device user must be aware about it. If it is found out that the application was installed without the knowledge or consent on a person's phone, we will immediately stop the services and the user of the application shall not be eligible for a refund in such a case.



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